Saturday, November 26, 2005
I Have Pockets !
Yesterday I was walking outside in a common area there was a beautiful little girl walking around in the leaves and looking very content.
I have seen her before, she appears to be about 3 or 4 years old and has a sister that looks a year younger. She seems to be part white and part African American. She has a gorgeous little face, beautiful golden complexion and hair that looks angelic.
When she saw me she considered me perfect conversation material as she asked..."hey.....what are you doin?'"....... I playfully said "Nooooooo...what are you doin" ?" she happily said back to me "nooo....what are you doin' "this back and forth banter continued asI walked to my mail box. Our voices got fainter and then louder again as I started back to my apartment. When I became closer she stopped repeating our delightful chant. She had her hands shoved down in the pockets of her little denham jacket, she shoved them down even deeper and with much exaggeration ,using her hands in her pockets to fan out the bottom of the coat she said " I HAVE POCKETS!!!"
I thought to myself...that is a perfect example of what God means when he says we should be "child like" not a care in the world and so very happy just to have pockets.
That little angelic child was the deliverer of a much important message....
It settled into my spirit like honey on warm toast.
" Look I have pockets !"
Saturday, October 15, 2005
It Must Be Love
Today there was a full window of sunshine laying on the floor.
I've only lived here a few weeks so I'm not sure if it's an October thing that this beautiful sun would take up residence on my living room floor.
Belle is my chocolate colored poodle. Only the two of us live here and we both welcome it in.
Belle layed down in the center of it, her eyes were heavy with lazy.
How sweet it was to see her loving the sun and feeling its warmth on her old bones.
But she left her lazy warmth to come and sit next to me.
How could I possibly be more of a comfort than this October retreat?
It must be love.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Heart Gifts

Approximately 22 years ago, I was living in Sioux Falls South Dakota. My husband and I had a band and had been in the area for while, enough to be recognized by fans in the area when we were around town. With lifes ups and downs we found ourselves traveling at a plummeting speed on a down hill run. My husband and I along with our 2 year old son were in a situation where we didn't know where I next meal would come from or if we would have a roof over our heads the next day. I was raised in a family of six and my father was a truck driver. I thought of us as middle class. We always had food to eat and lived in the same home until we were all grown. I wasn't use to this kind of hard times. My son developed a respitory illness and was placed in the hosp. They wanted to give him breathing treatments and keep an eye on him for several days. I was sad that he wasn't feeling well but I also found some comfort in the fact that he was getting three meals a day. When it came time for him to be released I was concerned about him returning to a home with empty cuburds. I found myself at a food bank. I was one of those people that others pass by and say "Look, a Cadillac parked at a food bank!" The woman inside asked me a few questions about the size of our family and the age of our child and began filling a cardboard box ,using a list that told what we would be alloted. As I watched her place a box of cereal, some canned vegetables, canned milk, macaroni, and rice in the box my grateful heart became humble as my eyes brimmed with tears. I gathered up the box in my arms and started toward the door when a woman walked in with a small child in tow. They looked as if they lived out on the street. They had dirty hair, clothes and faces. The woman was thin and her clothes hung on her small body, the child seemed to be following along with her aimlessly. She looked me in the face as I passed her, when she saw my tears an expression of true compassion covered her entire being and she said in a gentle voice. "Don't worry, everything will get better" Here was a woman who was going through a very difficult time, who may have thought there was little she could do for anyone. But in that brief moment, in just a few seconds in time she gave to me compassion, sincere concern, and love that we are all called to display. I will carry that moment with me always. Never disregard the power of a small kindness you show to anyone. You could be giving a lifetime heart gift to someone, and that, my beloveds, is what we are all here for.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Something Wonderful
Something wonderful is about to happen!!
I'm not sure what it is but I just know that its going to be GREAT!!!
Im so excited!
Isnt that a wonderful thought to have?
When you think and feel that way you don’t have time to dwell on the negative. Youre too busy looking around the corners for "something wonderful"
Something wonderful is about to happen!!
Im so excited!!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Your Angel
This morning an angel kissed your eyes as you opened them to start your day.
An angel helped you find your keys as you hurried on your way.
An angel rode with you as you drove to your job once again
and whispered to that person to slow down and let your car merge in.
This afternoon an angel stepped between you and the person that was unkind.
The angel kissed the face of those that stayed lovingly on your mind.
The angel befriended the flower so it would bloom as you walked by and ask the bird to sing a song for you, a melody from on high.
The angels are always with you, and love you more than you can comprehend.
They surrond you with His love
from your very beginning
until your time on earth will end.
by COHolley
An angel helped you find your keys as you hurried on your way.
An angel rode with you as you drove to your job once again
and whispered to that person to slow down and let your car merge in.
This afternoon an angel stepped between you and the person that was unkind.
The angel kissed the face of those that stayed lovingly on your mind.
The angel befriended the flower so it would bloom as you walked by and ask the bird to sing a song for you, a melody from on high.
The angels are always with you, and love you more than you can comprehend.
They surrond you with His love
from your very beginning
until your time on earth will end.
by COHolley

I think angels smell like cookies.
I think they make a tinkling noise like delicate wind chimes when they move.
I think they hug you like a warm coat on a cold day.
I think they wipe your tears with their wings.
If the twinkle of a star had a sound I think that is how their laughter would be.
I think they have a touch that feels like the warmth and softness under a birds wing.
I think they have a smile that is soft like the glow from a candle.
I think they have grace like a dandelion seed on the wind.
I think they are as gentle as a feather soft against my skin.
I think Angels love us more than we can comprehend.
By Carmen Holley
I read a simple phrase this morning that struck a chord with me.
"Do everything with perfection"
Right away someone might think "I have enough stress without trying to be perfect at everything"
But that's not what this is saying. Its not saying be fantastic or you yourself should be perfect,we know perfection is impossible.
Its going back to the same message of staying focused on what you are doing.Whatever you are doing do that one thing completely.
If you are doing laundry, do the laundry with perfection.
Enjoy the smell of the laundry soap, watch the warm water as it flows into the washer. Feel the fabrics as you move the clothes from the washer to the dryer. Take in the warmth when you remove the clothes from the dryer, smell the freshness. Think loving thoughts of the person whos clothes you are folding. If you are folding your own clothes think loving thoughts of yourself.
If you are having lunch with a friend, be there completely in spirit, not thinking what the rest of the day holds, or how you were offended by someone that morning.
Take in every element of what you are doing. Enjoy every moment ,giving it your complete attention and your perfect stillness and love.
There is always much to be done but it can be done in more perfection if it is done with less hurry. Basically, enjoy everything you do. Savour every action like a connoisseur.
Allow Gods peace and stillness to surround you. Be quiet, be confident, and be strong.In this stillness and peace you will find all that you are looking for.
"Do everything with perfection"
Right away someone might think "I have enough stress without trying to be perfect at everything"
But that's not what this is saying. Its not saying be fantastic or you yourself should be perfect,we know perfection is impossible.
Its going back to the same message of staying focused on what you are doing.Whatever you are doing do that one thing completely.
If you are doing laundry, do the laundry with perfection.
Enjoy the smell of the laundry soap, watch the warm water as it flows into the washer. Feel the fabrics as you move the clothes from the washer to the dryer. Take in the warmth when you remove the clothes from the dryer, smell the freshness. Think loving thoughts of the person whos clothes you are folding. If you are folding your own clothes think loving thoughts of yourself.
If you are having lunch with a friend, be there completely in spirit, not thinking what the rest of the day holds, or how you were offended by someone that morning.
Take in every element of what you are doing. Enjoy every moment ,giving it your complete attention and your perfect stillness and love.
There is always much to be done but it can be done in more perfection if it is done with less hurry. Basically, enjoy everything you do. Savour every action like a connoisseur.
Allow Gods peace and stillness to surround you. Be quiet, be confident, and be strong.In this stillness and peace you will find all that you are looking for.
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