Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lavender dresses

I saw something particularly endearing yesterday at Wal-Mart. I fell into line at the cash register and before me was a little old lady. A real little old lady. I was glad she was slow about removing her things from her cart ,it gave me time to watch her and take in every detail of her appearance. She looked like a grandmother from a story book.
She had on a lavender floral dress, white ankle socks and black comfy shoes. Her white hair was pulled up in a bun with two filigree hair combs securing the sides, a hair style that her fingers had performed for many years without thought, just twist turn and tuck, if you looked close you could see a hair net over it all, keeping every hair nice and neat. She wore old wire framed glasses and no jewelry. She was a sight to behold.
My heart was truly smiling as I watched this sweet lady. I say sweet because I watched her face and she had a kind face, relaxed and peaceful. Then..... I received my gift............ she lifted her eyes from her things, turned and looked in my eyes and I smiled...and she gave me a beautiful smile back.
What a moment of pleasure this dear woman was to me, her sweetness, the freedom she had being just who she was, no airs about society fancy clothes fine jewelry. She was all about the spirit and little to do with the things of this world. I wanted to talk with her, ask her how she felt about things, I wanted to know the hardships she had endured in her life and how she over came them. As she walked away I was so pleased to have witnessed her kind spirit and thankful for the fleeting moment of endearment that my heart felt.
Life brings such wonderful heart treasures all we have to do is slow down and look, they are before us waiting to be taken in.... wonderful moments that give our hearts a pause in such a hurried "me first" world.
My spirit desires the peace that comes with lavender dresses, white neat hair buns, and comfy shoes.... a place of peace that comes from knowing that the things of this world are of little importance and that the things of the spirit are the most import of all.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Look For the Humor Watch For the Miracles

"Look for the humor, watch for the miracles"
This is a quote from a book on simple living that is
compiled of thoughts and sayings from people of the Quaker faith.
A simple phrase that holds so much truth... and a formula for a joyful day, or a joyful life.
You can't have a heart that is grumpy, sad, angry, disappointed , restless or anything similar to these if you are looking for the humor, taking things lightly, carrying a smile in your heart.
When you are looking for the miracles, the world around you becomes so awesome that it will flood your being with the spirit of amazement, anticipation for what is to come, hope, and faith.
So, look for the humor , watch for the miracles and make a joyful noise. It will happily lift you up like a dandelion seed on the wind.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Living by Default

When we learn to live by faith and not by fear, when we keep out eyes towards the light and not in the shadows and when we learn to do this the majority of our day then we can change our lives drastically.
The faith will make over our lives and our affairs.
Websters dictionary says that the word default means, failure to act or appear. When you are living outside of faith you are living by default.
Your life will be all hope one day and all fear the next.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Listening, Seeing, Living

If the sun came out after a summer rain would you notice how the rain drops on the leaves look
like tiny prisms?

If the wind blew apple blossoms from the trees along the walk way where you were stepping would you be grateful for the gesture that flowers were being laid beneath your feet.

If a child smiled up into your face from a mothers shopping cart would you realize the gift that the child ,not even knowing you ,chose your face to look into and offer up an unconditional greeting.

As you were hurrying into work in the morning did you look to your right and see the morning sunshine sparkling on the dew in the open field.

When you eat do you savor the flavor, the texture ,the aroma? Do you ever think about everything that had to take place in order for that food to be in front of you?

Do you ever sit in the quiet? Do you ever get perfectly still. listening to your breathing, feeling the chair beneath your body and not thinking of anything but the moment?

Do you ever hold a flower in your hand and breath in the fragrance, feel the softness of the petals, look into the center and notice its incredible design.

When you step outside in the morning do you breath in the morning air, taking in the freshness down to your toes, bathing yourself in glory?

Do you listen to the rain fall? Do you watch it dance in the puddles? Do you smile at the cleansing. Do you enjoy the melody?

When a bird sings do you stop for a brief moment and in your heart do you say thank you for the song?

Do you look up at the moon? Do you think about how many people it is shining on? How the glow is comforting and the stars are twinkles of joy?

Do you take in the laughter of a child, the smell of a cookie, the gift of a hello, your soft pillow, the sweet bliss of desert on your tongue, the kiss on a cheek or touch on your shoulder, the breath of a puppy, cool grass beneath your feet, sand on your toes, the smell of a baby, the sound of "I love you"
Do you ever walk through the day being profoundly grateful?

Do you live? Really really live?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

If They Fall One Will Lift Up the Other

There is a Nilotic proverb ( from African Traditional Religion) that says:

"A friend is like a source of water during a long journey."

There is so much truth in that one sentence.

Proverbs 18:24 says
Some friends play at friendship but a true friend sticks closer than ones nearest kin.

American Indians have a belief that:
We are bound to our relatives through blood.
We are bound to our spouses through intimacy.
But our friends are held in a far different place than these because we choose them ourselves.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says
Two are better than one...
For if they fall, one will lift up the other.
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.

Honor your friends and the gift that they are to you.
Treat them with kindness and offer to them a listening and compassionate heart.

Peace and Grace
Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times.