Thursday, June 14, 2012

I took a break from working today and walked around my yard. I found some great things to capture in some photos. A knot hole on a tree shaped like a heart, some very pretty amber colored moss growing up a tree, rain drops captured in a tin...y webb deep beneath some leaves and I also took the shot below....... I love the hodge podge of things I saw when I looked down. The speckled pattern on a Magnolia leaf, the golden colors of the scattered leaves, the brown curled up leaf holding rain water from last nights rain, the pretty patterns on the Magnolia pods, all ready to return to the ground, discarded by the magnificent tree above, a circle of life captured within it all by the new green growth pushing through the middle of it all.
While I wander through the rooms of my tiny home carrying with me concerns of tomorrow, beyond the walls I am surrounded by life taking things as it comes, resisting nothing and excepting what is...the course of nature all held together by a Master plan. I have much to learn from the Magnolia, from the soft moss on the trees and the rain gently cradeled in the leaf.