Thursday, July 05, 2012

Today I was sitting at my computer and I heard conversation approaching my became louder and louder the closer it got to my front door. A smile started to appear across my face. I knew exactly who its was, you see, these same two delightful african american ladies come to my door every so often. They tap tap tap gently on the door their conversation is always louder than the tapping and they never skip a beat, eager to get to the next point that needs to be said. They never look at the door to see me peeking out of the lifted blind, they are busy discussing things and mingling their verbal intentions with " you know that's right!" , tilting the head and raising the eyebrows before saying "well, I'm tellin' you" . Their presence is always brief, they never knock twice and like a dance they do from memory they walk off to the next house still talking and enjoying each others company. Always left behind is a reminder of my salvation that they tucked in the door that usually falls out with the first gentle wind and finds a place along the seasonal flowers at my entrance.
If I ever answer the door I suppose they will mark me off their list and I would miss hearing them coming towards my door and I would miss experiencing the excitement they have for each others company. These two dear ladies will never know the joy they bring to unopened doors. What sweet spirits they are. When your heart is set on good intentions you leave blessing trailing behind you like ribbons in the wind. When God calls just go.....He's working , you may not always see the results.